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BSCO公司主营伊朗老矿莎安娜和中欧米黄(欧典米黄)等大理石,洞石和伊朗白玉青玉等系列荒料及板材。独家大理石品种:米白洞石和伊朗红。拥有多年的开发,生产,加工及贸易经验,在质量上也广受赞誉,是伊朗最大的石材生产销售商之一。拥有一个7000m2的超大型洞石堆场,长期备有超白洞石,白洞石,银灰洞,米白洞石,咖啡洞石,红洞石,黄金洞石等荒料供客户选择。联系电话:15106069698. 我们将为您提供最优质的服务。Our company's main products are Iran Royal Botticino and Shayan Cream, etc. such as: marble, travertine and onyx series blocks. Exclusive marble varieties: cream travertine and red marble. Have many years of development, production, processing and trading experience, in terms of quality has been widely acclaimed, it is one of the largest stone supplier from Iran. Products are exported to Italy, China, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and many other countries. Be able to provide the necessary domestic and international customers high quality products. To find a stone, go to Iran; go to I... [详细介绍]